Sunday, February 10, 2013

Rooms Play

Rooms Play is an immersive performance experience. Crafted in 2010 and 2011 by over 60 collaborating artists based in Baltimore, MD, Rooms Play 2013 is in the works under a new organizing collective: Pilar Diaz, Person Ablach, Sophia Mak, Ada Pinkston, Victor FdeM Torres and Evan Moritz.

In 2010, the first year of Rooms Play, The Copycat Theatre wrote a script based on a combination of Joseph Campbell's Monomyth (The Hero's Journey), Alice in Wonderland and the Digestive System. The audience was given the role of the "hero," and asked to complete numerous challenges and tests, which occured throughout 20 rooms created under the direction of different creative directors. Our interest was in creating an experience which was highly collaborative, immersive and empowering.

In 2011, Rooms Play occured during the 8th Annual Transmodern Festival. The script furthered an engagement with the Hero's Journey, this time exploring illegal Immigration as the underlying theme. In 22 rooms across two spaces: The Whole Gallery and Current Space, groups of 3-4 participants were guided through alienating and highly charged environments.

Rooms Play 2013 will be occuring again as part of the Transmodern Festival.

This year, Rooms Play is in the works for the third time, in a radically changed form, utilizing a transformation of space and a set/cohesive series of events to take the audience on an emotional roller coaster. Stemming from conversations about fear, xenophobia and current events, we have crafted a new form of Rooms that will be significantly different from year's past in terms of direction, scale, form and content. 

Documentation from previous incarnations of Rooms Play can be viewed online at the Copycat Theatre's Baker Artist Awards nomination page: The Copycat Theatre

Video of Rooms Play 2010 by Guy Werner
Video of Rooms Play 2011 by Guy Werner

Thanks to Philip Laubner and Theresa Keil for taking wonderful photos of Rooms Play 2011!

(Above) All Photos by Theresa Keil and Philip Laubner